About Me

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Minneapolis, MN
Small town raised. Loves the Big City. Loves my husband and my canine kids. Love all things vintage.

Friday, October 28, 2011


1. Do you prefer cotton, silk, or flannel sheets?
Cotton.  Clean.  Cool.  Crisp.  Oooh! That's alliteration.

2. What time zone are you in?

3. What is your favorite part of the holiday season?
Hmm.... family time, yummy food, glitter everywhere!, twinkly lights, fresh snow, the smells (ya know - that "Christmas smell" of cinnamon, sugar, pumpkin goodness) and the fact that MOST people are in a generally jolly mood for a couple weeks.

4. What is your favorite "wintry" drink? (It doesn't have to be an "alcoholic" drink!)
Ho Ho Mocha (white mocha with a shot of peppermint topped with peppermint).

5. In your opinion, what is the worst job in the world?
This is a hard one... I would say anyone who works outside in the horrible heat of summer (like dudes pouring black top on a 100 degree day) or anyone who has to work outside during the dead cold of winter (like my in laws - I helped ONE year cleaning horse stables on Christmas Day - emptying FROZEN buckets of water in below zero temperatures is not my idea of a fun job).  

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