About Me

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Minneapolis, MN
Small town raised. Loves the Big City. Loves my husband and my canine kids. Love all things vintage.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Happy Monday!  

Random thoughts of the day:

I want this when we move:

These cannoli's look awesome - I've never had one, but I'm sure my friend Michelle in NJ will be at the airport waiting with one in hand when I get around to visiting at some point!

I want to try this: 

Described as:  “It’s reminiscent of a blackberry chocolate cupcake with a mocha coulis. Shows an incredible nose of chocolate, deep rich blackberries, red fruits and a creamy mocha finish that is unmistakable in its intensity and length.”   Yes, Please.

And lastly, this cracked me up - mostly because I am obsessed with Angry Birds.  :)

1 comment:

  1. That is quite the ceiling ornament LOL. I'd go with something a little more like this:

